Children are the future of Nations. Every child comes with the message, that God is not yet discouraged of man. But, a teeming multitude of such guileless hearts are ruined. Children of convicts- especially the girls- are trafficked, and boys are dumped as heaps of labors across the length and breadth of the world. But, if properly protected, guided and cared for - these hapless Angels could outshine many others.
Featured here, are the journeys of a few girl children in the State of West Bengal, India who have either lost their parents to unpropitious fate or are separated from them. These children hardly meet their parents, who are serving sentences in the correctional homes or residing as under trial prisoners. Separation from parental touch has not rummaged their lives, as they are in care of a home in a remote area in Ranaghat, on India- Bangladesh border. Their ordeal has not barred them from nurturing their inner talents and skills in this home run by the pious nuns,called Dayabari.It unfolds the plaintive story of the bereaved parents who are ordained to live apart from their children, but have dreams surrounding them.
The film also showcases the positive&pivotal role of the decision or policy makers, respective administrators of the State in protecting these kindling flames; lest they flicker! It portrays the prowess of love and care to arrest the advancement of sly motives and prying eyes perching upon them. It celebrates childhood. The film is a tale of universal love that perpetuates through generations to keep alive the flame of life!
Children of prisoners, are Children too...
Shooting at BOP Jayantipur on Indo- Bangladesh border
Shooting at the Womens's correctional home at Alipore with IG Mr Ranvir Kumar
Shooting with Additional DG,BSF,Mr BD Sharma on the Indo Bangladesh border
Shooting with Retd Justice Ashok Ganguly,Chairaman Human Rights Commision,WB at Tolly Club
Care for thier proper stay & studies at Ranaghat home
Children at play in Ranaghat home